They're incredibly creative, smart, energetic and there was never a boring moment when I'm with them!
So here's a few snapshots of some of the memorable moments of E³ @ Marsiling.

I learnt that I can tolerate, easy to forgive and am patient. Working with others is exciting.
- Siti Fatimah 3S2
- Siti Fatimah 3S2
I learn how to share ideas with my teammates and realise that I can do even better than before. I am encouraged to give more ideas and be more creative.
- Sabrina 3S3

I learn that teamwork is very important and that support and encouragement with each other is the best ever!
- Farah 3S3
Entrepreneurship has a lot of meaning. It is an art about life which everyone can work to achieve.
- Brandon 3M3
I've learnt how to communicate and work better with my teammates! I learnt how to speak better English and I realised I'm good at sales. I learnt that we cannot do things by one person, we need a group of people to do it altogether.
- Melvin 3S2
I am more confident now and I'm sure I can do better.
- Shue Ming 3M4

- Hana 3M3
I've learnt that different view points and ideas can be combined into one idea.
- Elijah 3M3

I learnt that I'm easily hot-tempered and how to talk to customers. I have learnt that people have their own characters, some people are impatient and can't take challenging things.
- Rina 3L2

I'm glad that everyone enjoyed themselves over the last few weeks.
The students did very well, considering the limited time that they had to come up with innovative and original ideas and thinking of proposals that the school would accept.
They had to axe ideas and come up with new ones at the eleventh hour because some of their plans were not feasible. (Remember's Gaga's prataman and song dedication idea?)
It was a crash course in 6 weeks and I'm impressed with how they always rise up to the every challenge that we threw to them. (Remember the rap jingle and the dancing hands?)
Coaching Marsiling has been pure pleasure and I sure hope the students enjoyed themselves as much as the trainers did.

Joanna is always telling me how much she misses the Marsiling students. Hah.. You guys should come up and blog more often so that she won't be subjected to emotional pangs of being away from you all. Heh...
At any rate, thank you to the students of Marsiling Sec for being such a fun bunch to work with and I hope you guys had fun too :) See ya soon!
- Donnie
HELLO! i am melvin here. haha. hope you still can rmb me.
Hi Melvin! of course i still remember you!
O levels is over for you already? How is it and how are you?
:) thanks for dropping by! :)
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