Their mission for the day was to sell-out their products (and needless to say, earn profits too!) at their annual mini bazaar! These energetic souls bursting with creative ideas had spent two months planning and preparing for this day.
We capture the hive of activities here for you!

Hey Hana! So good to hear from you!
It was too bad I missed out on our last lesson at marsiling. Hope you guys had fun with us and I hope to see you again!
hiee jo n don!!
i missed euu all so right after de last lesson...euu know, after de lesson ended, ii was willing to make a thousand more voodoo dolls juxz 2 see euu all again!!
< oh, and i really LUVED de pictures euu posted.could euu send me all of those pixz 2 me? Every single pixz, cuz ii want 2 remind myself how great de bazaar had been.> ( )
pls, pls add me in msn or friendster!!!
Hiya Hana and Ili!
Thanks for dropping by! Hope your term break is restful and enjoyable so far.
Don and I miss you and the rest very much. We're definitely hoping to go back soon! Can't wait to make those wonderful ideas you have HAPPEN!!
Will send those pics soon. Give us some time to collate and pack them off to you via email. :)
Keep in touch yah? We're only a phonecall or email away.
hey hey!
the pictures has been sent to your email account, ili! do check it. thanks for dropping by!
it was too bad i missed our last lesson together :(
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