Sunday, December 03, 2006

Back to school...

For me at least. I was hit with a massive dose of nostalgia last week when Jo & I went back to NYJC, where yours truly hailed from.

The average NYJC student hasn't changed much. Creative, smart and brimming with ideas. Yeah and all that mud jokes with our uniforms. Yea yea, tell me something new will ya?

<-- Having fun is an important goal! Something you can't do without during workshops. Fun!
And so, first impressions and Jo & I were thinking that these Biz Club students were really really passively quiet.

Maybe because I looked scary. Although I can't imagine how. Or perhaps they were distracted by Jo.

At any rate, they soon warmed up to us (as us to them) and pretty soon, it was work work and fun!
The dynamic group Happy Feat impressed with their bubbly enthusiasm, interesting business idea, and their ad's concept was novel. I would put the video up. But it was so peppered with uncontrollable laughter by the presenting team that I shall not tax the random reader's mind in trying to understand the ad.

I always did like creative and enthusiastic. So keep it up Happy Feat!

Other notable mentions include the students' realistic financial plan for their project, especially the guys from Happy Tree Frens, who meticulously worked out their plan a column of the time, taking every possible cost in consideration.

And the most amazing thing? The Biz Club dudes/dudettes were fine-tuning their business plans even 1 week after the workshop and calling us up for some advice to touch up their business plans.

Their site is

And keep the entrepreneurial flame burning! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's really nice to go back to school. Its nice to see the and old classmates.