Young Entrepreneurs Scheme for Schools (YES! Schools)
Provides schools with grants of up to $100,000 to support structured entrepreneurial learning activities
YES! Schools was launched on 10th October 2008 with the objective of nurturing and encouraging students to be enterprising and innovative through ‘hands-on’ entrepreneurship learning opportunities. This scheme will provide funding support for schools to put in place a comprehensive structured entrepreneurship learning programme for their students.
Each year, the schools will have the following amounts to tap on to fund their projects :
a. Up to $100,000 per polytechnic;
b. Up to $50,000 per ITE college; and
c. Up to $10,000 per junior college/centralised institute/secondary school.
YES! Schools is available to polytechnics, ITEs, junior colleges, centralised institute and secondary schools. Projects from primary schools may be funded on a selective basis.
Evaluation Criteria
SPRING will evaluate projects submitted by schools based on the following criteria :
* Entrepreneurship and innovative elements
The proposal should highlight the innovative approach of the project in entrepreneurship learning;
* Holistic approach
The proposal should cover a comprehensive programme on the entrepreneurship learning activities to cultivate a mindset for enterprise among the students and/or teachers;
* Hands-on (experiential) learning component
The proposal should demonstrate the feasibility of the project and outline the steps taken to ensure effective learning outcomes for students. Projects should also require students to put to practical use the lessons learnt; and
* Reach of project
The proposal should indicate the number of students who will benefit from the project.
Apply for YES! Schools
Schools interested in applying for YES! Schools can do so from 1 November 2008.
For any enquiries on YES! Schools, please contact us via email :
For more information on government assistance programmes, please contact the EnterpriseOne hotline at Tel : (65) 6898 1800 or email