Secure Singles has developed a 'personal emergency notification system' for the dating world.
A tool that singles can use to protect themselves, Secure Singles allows users to store information on the people they're planning to meet. Before going on a date, they can set a text alert that will go to friends, family or the authorities, if the user doesn't check in to cancel it. The message, which is sent by email, instant message or sms, includes details on how to access stored information on the date: contact info, employer/occupation, photos, phone number, address, location of date, etc.
Users can also add a 'Secure Singles Seal' to their online profiles to ward off anyone with bad intentions, and schedule text messages to be sent to themselves during a date to offer an easy way out if they feel uncomfortable.
The service, which is currently free, was developed by Secure Networks, a team of safety-concious parents and single professionals who wanted to make it safer to meet online suitors offline. A sister service is 321notify.com, which isn't just for daters, but anyone who could use a bit of extra security.
According to a spokesperson for Secure Singles, there are more than 100 million single people living in the U.S. today and 40 million of them are using online dating and social networking communities. A service that ensures personal safety and peace of mind sounds like something those online communities should partner with or buy now! Time to start something similar in your own neck of the woods?